Therefore, whenever people get me some souvenirs in the form of keychains...I'll usually change it into a magnet.

here we've got one from NZ, Taman Negara and Bukit Merah (key-rings torn off). You'll need some basic magnets (you can get 12/14 of these magnets for RM5 at Daiso) and Super Glue!
kalau marah, tak boleh la nak hempas pintu peti ais.
takleh...hempas pintu bilik tido ok.
woh! suka jugak! peti ais rmah kmpg dh lm menjadi mangsa aku ;D
p/s: best la idea ko, ko sgt kretip! clap2!
idea lama. mohle kita beramai-ramai memenuhkan permukaan fridge kito!
bagus idea tu. leh tiru. hehe.
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