'mungkin' akan kembali aktif? ;p
I use a lot of chilli sauce. A lot.
I've tried many, those by aminah hassan, jalen, maggi, kimball, life etc.
But my most favourite is the Bumi Hijau's one.
It is simply the greatest chilli sauce I've ever had.
But then maybe because I grew up on it?
Kalau korang orang johor, korang mesti penah rasa sos bumi hijau ni. aku slalu kalo pi mana2 supermarket kat sini mesti cari kot2 ada sos bumi hijau ni. tapi xpenah jumpe..until...
...kat Bintang (yg baru di take over Giant) Sg.Chua! hehe
And, I'm always looking for the best black pepper sauce. Have tried life&giant, and last month tried this:

Pawada black pepper sauce from Sarawak.
yang aku beli bulan feb tu cepat giler abes. Lepas tu banyak kali aku pi Bintang pun dia tak re-stock lagi. So, bila dia ada stok aje..aku trus amek dua! am I greedy or what?! but let me tell you ar, these two won't even last trough May!
aiyaiyai. cpt nya die expired. haha
sebab slalu masak black pepper. pastuuh kalo buat sandwich telur pun aku campak sos black pepper tu skali ngan sos cili. best woo
spe yg tau mne ada nk dpt stock bnyk sos nie blh call or whspp 01133529801 pless
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