Petang tadi after kerja g Secret Recipe dengan liza untuk tempah kek kahwin.
semalam malam kitorang carik kek kahwin kat blogs...tapi mahal giler beb...2tingkat capai RM300 ke atas. Aku jadik economic advisor pengantin jap "250 utk kek tu mahal oii...1/4 dari seribu tu". I am so sorry, tapi aku mmg bukan penyokong lavish wedding. That's y selagi mana boleh cut and reduce aku akan tlg carik jalan.
Maka malam tadi kitorang round website Secret Recipe dan Coffee Beans. Adik aku kawen hari tu dia beli CB. Harga ok. Maksalahnya nak amek kat tgh bandar alahai jauhnya...
So tadi kitorang check kat SR and yes! ada kek utk wedding/special occassion. Tadi liza dah book yg 3.3kg 2tingkat-stacked dengan harga RM168.00. Great deal! Kek akan ambil kat SR Perling Mall. Aku ngan hani (yes,YOU bb!) mebbe akan wat cupcakes utk decorate sekitar kek tu nanti. Cake stand & pisau potong kek dah book&borrow yg adek aku punya hari tu.

En.Manager SR Bangi dan Cik Pengantin-to-be dan kek kitorang! choc indulgence yum!
Kenapa wedding cake mereka berlainan harga?... I was thinking about gettin' a cake for my brother's wedding, and for sure Secret Recipe is everyone's favourite. Tapi kalau setiap branches lain harga, that's so not cool :[
hi nisa. I'm not sure whether the price differs at each branch.Though, it is possible as the wedding cake prices was not stated in the cake catalogue. We need to check with the branch manager/person in charge.
Tapi percayalah...memang berbaloi. Keknya besar, lawo DAN sedap!
For wedding cake from SR, kita boleh pilih flavor type of cake ke? Tak de gambar wedding cake tu?
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